"I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side." -Maya Angelou

 Full Buck Moon Ceremony: Growing and Reclaiming

Friday July 19th 6-8:00pm

What growth are you seeking, acknowledging, or celebrating? What are you shedding so that you create space for what you’re ready to receive?

Harness the heightened energy of summer and the Full Buck Moon with an evening of connection and self-compassion through meditation, yoga, and intuitive insights.

This moon cycle is all about growing, peak potential, taking action and honoring what’s come to fruition. Just like a buck’s antlers in their most prominent stage, we too, have growth to acknowledge and to celebrate.                                                                                                                                                                                        
We’re all healing and growing from something.

Facilitated by Bending Bodhi teachers Dawn Zitney and Jess Lenzi
Cost: $75

10 Franklin Plaza, Dover, NH 03820, USA
© Copyright Bending Bodhi Yoga 2020